Official campaign logo for Bob McDermott for U.S. Senate: a symbol of unity, leadership, and a brighter future for Hawaii's second congressional district.

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Welcome to the official campaign site of Bob McDermott for U.S. Senate – where Hawaii’s voice meets America's heart. Discover McDermott's unwavering commitment to serve our nation and uphold the values that unite us.

Mission Statement:

To Win, running a God-centered campaign, conducting myself as a Christian Gentleman while putting morality and decency back into our public discourse, Stopping the endless wars, protecting parental rights and students from gender ideology brainwashing, and righting our fiscal ship so that working families have a chance to thrive and prosper

Bob recorded this two years back, yet Red Hill remains open and gas prices persistently high.

Watch Bob's Video's to see where he stands on the issues

Bobs Priorities:

Bob McDermott, U.S. Senate candidate, and his wife of 37 years, Utufa’asili Aloha. Bob’s goals are clear: Fiscal responsibility, end war on fossil fuels, national security and represent local taxpayers in D.C.

Inflation is caused by wasteful spending and the war on fossil fuels.
Balance the Budget – we are 34 trillion dollars in debt. Protect Social Security and Medicare – they earned it. Blackrock, State Street, and Van Guard own 80% of S&P 500 and must be broken up. Big Pharma, Big Ag, and Big Tech must be broken up. Drive jobs back to America with increased manufacturing and stop the transfer of wealth and jobs to CCP. 30% minimum tax for Billionaires, regardless of deductions.

DOD must build Oahu a Desalinization plant. Finish Red Hill Remediation.
Return Fort Shafter to the Native Hawaiian People. Close Military Dump at Barbers Point. Remediate Radford High School as it sits on a Navy Dump with Unexploded Ordinance underneath it. 

Making Maui “Whole,” $700.00 per person, from the Fed’s was woefully inadequate. It was an insult while listening to the people of Maui!

Stop the war in Ukraine.
Support the Jewish State of Israel while seeking a lasting peace. End wokeism, which has hurt our military recruiting. Decouple from China. Restore our National Supply Chain for critical goods like medicine. Ban CCP from purchasing land close to military bases (Ewa Beach) Return VA Health Care to Trump levels of service. Close the Bio-labs with a global moratorium.

Securing our national border. Illegal immigration costs us 451 billion dollars per year. Stop Child Sex Trafficking – Life in Prison. 85,000 Children under Biden unaccounted for, resume DNA testing of “alleged” parents. Stop the flow of drugs; Fentanyl killed 100 thousand Americans last year; Colt Brennen and Tom Petty, among others, died from Fentanyl. Current disregard for the immigration law is an insult to many Filipinos and other Pacific Islanders who played by the rules to gain citizenship.

About Bob

Bob McDermott and his wife Utufa’asili J. McDermott have been united in marriage for 37 years, a partnership that has flourished into a large and loving family. Together, they have six sons and two daughters, further enriched by three daughters-in-law, two of whom were expecting at the time, and now, thirteen grandchildren. The McDermotts are devout Catholics, with their faith playing a pivotal role in their family life. This deep-rooted belief system guides Bob’s approach to his public service, reflecting values of integrity, dedication, and a commitment to the well-being of his constituents.

Bob McDermott, alongside his family, in a candid moment that captures the essence of ohana and their collective commitment to Hawaii and America. This photo symbolizes the core values driving McDermott's campaign for U.S. Senate: unity, integrity, and a brighter future for all.

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Join us as we strive to ensure that Hawaii’s values are represented in the U.S. Senate. With a focus on family, fiscal responsibility, and the moral fiber of our nation, Bob McDermott is dedicated to a future where every American family can prosper. Together, let’s champion a course for integrity, prosperity, and the well-being of our communities.

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